Other Transfer
If you would like visit other cities in Poland or you need transportation from/to Krakow Airport or abroad e.g. Ostrava, Jasna Chopok, Bratislava, Prague or Vienna? contact our office. We will prepare an offer that suits you and we will organize a professional and reliable transfer. We work 24/7 and we will reply as soon as possible..
Krakow Ostrava Transfer
Krakow to Ostrava Transfer takes about 2h with our private car Mercedes
With us it's easy to get to Krakow from Budapest. Private Car nad Driver it's the best way to get there.
Krakow Jasna Transfer/ Jasna Krakow Transfer
Are you going to Jasna Chopok for ski? We can take you there with your equipment. Please contact with our office.We will prepare an offer that suits you and we will organize a professional and reliable transfer.
Krakow Wroclaw Transfer
Transfer from Krakow to Wroclaw takes only 3 hours. Just use the concact form to book a private transfer with us and we will take you there with one of our comfortable Mercedes car. It's very easy to get there from Krakow or Krakow Airport.
If you would like to go to Auschwitz from Krakow Airport and stay ther in Oswiecim City use our contact form. We will take from Krakow Airport to Auschwitz -it's only one hour drive.
Krakow Kielce Targi
Are you going to Kielce Exhibition Center? With us you can get there easy and safe, just use our contact form